Exam Engine
Testing your learners is the only way to know if they are learning the content. Exams and assessments are the best way to separate the high performers from the low performers.
When it comes to training your sales department and channel partners there is no greater benefit to your brand awareness than well trained learners that are excited to talk about your company. And when they understand how to successfully speak about your products and services your sales will increase.
Embedding a quiz into your SCORM course isn’t the most effective method. Preparing your sales department and channel partners effectively needs to go deeper. The success of the training depends on it.
At NetExam we have an extensive test engine that is catered specifically to channel partners and sales training. We understand what it takes to prepare them.
When building your LMS engines for an online exam website it’s important that you understand the essentials so that you can get the most out of it.

What is Exam Engine?
Exam engine is a database of questions, basically it’s an exam builder. It gives you the ability to pull random questions from a pool of questions for all types of exams. Depending on the type of exam it will allow you to achieve certain goals and assessments.
Benefits of Exam Engine
Identifies gaps in knowledge
Through quizzes and exams you can identify knowledge gaps in training or examinations. It’s important that you correct gaps in knowledge.
Testing causes students to learn more from the next learning episode
Students understand where they are lacking in knowledge and are able to study after taking a test. This learning episode is the best way to study the areas they need help with. Testing doesn’t only help the student, it also helps the testers by enabling better metacognitive monitoring. This type of feedback tells you how the learning is progressing for each learner.
Testing produces better organization of knowledge
Testing helps the brain organize material in clusters. This helps with increased retention and improves transfer of knowledge to new contexts.
Types of Exam
There are many different types of tests and they have different purposes. Here are some of the exam types and what they are used for,
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests show how much you know and what you know. This will help your organization get a better idea of what needs to be reinforced through training. It can also show you the area of weakness for specific learners.
Progress or Achievement Tests
Achievement or progress tests will measure the learner’s improvement in the training.
Proficiency Tests
These tests provide a broad picture of knowledge.
Internal Tests
Internal tests are often given at the end of a course and are often the final exam.
Objective Tests
Objective tests are multiple-choice, tests that have a clear right or wrong answer.

Exams and Assessments
It is very important to be able to test if the learners have successfully mastered the learning content via exams and assessments. This is especially true in high stakes exams such as in certification programs. You may even require the exam to be proctored. You may want to do question analysis and see what questions separate the high performers from the low performers. These needs go beyond embedding a quiz in a SCORM course which is how most LMS handle testing. NetExam has a very advanced exam engine built to cater to all these needs with special emphasis to channel partner and sales training.
- Quizzes, Course Exam and Certification Exams
- On-demand or scheduled exams
- Paid Exams and exam vouchers
- Built-in Exam Engine
- Built in WYSIWYG Question Authoring
- Upload questions via QTI or XLS formats
- Question validation workflows
- Questions are validated SMEs or committee
- Provide feedback to learners for incorrect answers
- Receive alerts when large number of students select incorrect answers
- Randomize answers optionaly excluding last answer
- Add images and videos to questions
- Dynamic passing scores based on user attributes
- Support for Question Banks and Pools
- Timed Exams
- Configure number of allowed retakes
- Configure retake intervals
- Proctored Exams
- On-premise proctor
- Remote proctored via webcam
- Auto proctoring with facial recognition
- Support CLEP Exams or force users to access content before exam attempt
- Force acceptance of exam Terms and Conditions
- Exam Correlation Sheets – verify all content areas represented
- Generate paper exams
- Upload paper exam grades (bubble sheet)
- Answer Key Export
- Secure Mobile App for Exams
- App will disable all features of device except exam
- Exam Psychometrics/Item Analysis
- Exam Metrics
- average, median, standard deviation, and KR-20 (a measure of whether the exam as a whole discriminated among students who mastered the subject matter and those who did not)
- Question Metrics
- P-value – a measure of question difficulty
- Point Biserial- a measure of correlation of student scores on particular question with their scores test as a whole.
- Discrimination Index – measure of how well item is able to distinguish between knowledgeable examinees and those who are not
- Distractor (answer) Metrics
- Answer Point Biserial
- Discrimination Index
- Cheating Detection Algorithms – auto alert admins if anomalies are detected in exam results.
Try NetExam free for 30 days.
LMS with Exam Engines
One of the most basic features of your LMS is a built-in quiz engine. When you incorporate exams into your organization you have the ability to pre-assess your employee skill set before training, assess your current training’s effectiveness and improve the overall knowledge in your organization.
How Can You Use the Built-in LMS Quiz Engine Effectively?
You can create and conduct quizzes effectively if your LMS quiz engine has these features.
- Timing
- Score
- Layout
- Question Behavior
- Feedback/Review
- Question Bank and Categories
- Randomization of Questions and Options
- Question Bank-wise Scoring
Which is the Best Platform for Online Exams?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the thousands of different platforms for online exams. Here are some tips for choosing the right online test platform software to suit your business needs,
Assessment Platform Should Be Scalable
Scalability is one of the best advantages of any online platform. If you’re going to invest in an expensive platform, you at least want it to be able to grow with you and generate more money for you.
The Platform Should Be Easy To Use
This should go without saying, but many online assessment platforms have tons of features and often these features never get utilized because no one understands how to use it. Finding a platform that is easy to use and is packed with useful advanced functionalities will allow both the learners and organization to focus on the learning by easily navigating through the platform.
The Assessment Platform Should Have Automated Analytics & Reporting
Evaluating the learners is the key to discovering the learners performance. You should be able to easily generate reports and have access to detailed analytics reports for both test-takers and administrators.
Easy Question Creation Capabilities
You will need to have the ability to create and manage your exam questions whether they are subjective, objective, multiple choice, essay types, etc. Exam engine questions make clicking and uploading questions simple.
Must have Remote Proctoring Feature Integrated
Ensuring the exams integrity through on-promises proctor, remote proctored via webcam are great features to ensure the learners are not cheating during the exam.
Online Assessment Software Must Have a Strong Support Team
Let’s face it technology comes with plenty of technical problems and if your support team isn’t solid it will create unnecessary down time.

Take Online Exams with NetExam
At NetExam, we built easy to use platforms that are catered to your specific needs and we’re there for you if something goes wrong, eliminating downtime so your learners can stay focused on training.
We make sure you have total control, with timed exams, adding images and videos to questions, retakes, paid exams and vouchers, uploading your own questions and a complete exam bank. Plus so much more.
Request a free 30 day demo today and learn how NetExam can build your online exam platform so that you can focus on effective training without having to spend countless hours learning new software.