What is Continuing Education Tracking in Certification Programs

What generally is referred to as Continuing Education in Certification Programs are the educational activities a certified individual will have to carry out to maintain their certifications. These activities may include taking courses from a recognized educational provider or attending industry-related conferences.


Continuing Education Tracking for Channel Partner Training

When you are certifying an external audience like Channel Partners, Resellers, Certified Agents, etc., it is important to require continuing education activities to ensure the certified individuals keep up with the education until the next recertification. You can publish the recognized continuing education providers list and how many CE hours will be awarded for each activity. The certified individuals can be required to earn a certain number of CE hours to maintain their certification.

Image ALT Text – Channel partners can take online courses from recognized third-party providers (ex LinkedIn, Coursera, etc.) and receive continuing education credit.

NetExam Support for Tracking Continuing Education (CE)

  • Register recognized continuing education providers and activities
  • Support for learners to self-report recognized continuing education hours
  • Require learners to provide evidence of completion (completion documents etc.)
  • Configurable approval workflows for learner-submitted continuing education hours
  • Support for designated managers to submit continuing education hours for their team
  • APIs for recognized continuing education providers to push completions to NetExam
  • NetExam can be configured to connect to recognized continuing education providers’ APIs and pull completions
  • Continuing education hours can be set as required activities for Certification or recertification workflows
  • QR-code-supported mobile apps to report continuing education completion. 

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